12 June 2020 – Ausgrid is investigating the potential of new low voltage regulation technology from EcoJoule Energy to help optimise the benefits to consumers who have, or may invest, in Distributed Energy Resources (DER), such as rooftop solar or batteries.
Junayd Hollis, Ausgrid’s General Manager – Asset Management said “By regulating the voltage at 230V feeder level, Ausgrid can create additional hosting capacity for DER. A more stable voltage can also be maintained for all customers, which is good for appliances and minimises the curtailment of DER export.”
The efficient integration of DER will provide benefits to non-DER owners by enabling Ausgrid to improve network utilisation and maintain the reliability and security of its network at a lower total system cost, which reduces electricity costs to all consumers.
“We are quietly confident that the EcoVAR unit from EcoJoule Energy will prove to be an economic upgrade path to increase hosting for additional DER. This results in a win-win scenario for Customers, Ausgrid and the industry in general” Junayd said.
Dr Mike Wishart, CEO of Ecojoule Energy said “Ausgrid are the largest electricity distributor on Australia’s east coast – championing their vision of renewables playing a major role in reliable electricity generation. EcoJoule Energy are proud of this opportunity to partner with Ausgrid to fulfil our primary objective of delivering sustainable, cost-effective, more reliable electricity solutions to our fellow Australians.”