29 April 2021 – A little over 6 months ago EcoJoule Energy announced a shipment of their EcoVar Statcom units to Lithuania for trial and test with one of the largest energy companies in the Baltic States, namely ESO.
EcoJoule Energy are pleased that the pilot site is operational and collection of the first data has begun.
Dr. Mike Wishart EcoJoule’s CEO stated, “The successful installation and commissioning of the first EcoVAR unit in Europe is a major milestone for EcoJoule and demonstrates the world-wide applicability of our technology. Video calls made support of the installation process simple and it has been a pleasure dealing with the very capable ESO staff”.
The units were installed in the area of Baltoji Vokė, about a half an hour’s drive from the capital Vilnius.

Karolis Gesevičius, ESO’s Innovation Project Manager, has been pleased with the units, reporting that, “the installation of the EcoVAR went according to plan and the units started operating straight away without problems. Since installation and commissioning of the units we have observed a very noticeable improvement in voltage and reduction in voltage unbalance on the network, with the observed voltage variation changing from around 50V per phase before installation to around 10V after installation”.
It is a fantastic achievement for Ecojoule that an Australian-designed and manufactured technological product has been successfully exported, installed and commissioned to the European market during the COVID pandemic.